(In english below)
Dommerne vil have mulighed for at dømme jeres kostumer inden showet, og derudfra vælge vores tre vindere. Efter alle deltagere har været oppe på scenen, vil dommerne uddele præmier og pokaler til vinderne.
Konkurrencen vil blive bedømt af vores to meget dygtige cosplay dommere Surine Cosplay og Kitty Mortensen

foto: Michael la-Cour @simpleartsdk Redigeret af @saxkjaer_photography

Foto & redigering: Michael la-Cour @simpleartsdk
Her er hvad du skal gøre:
Tilmeld dig inden d.5 maj – tilmeldingen lukker efter 20 deltagere.
Skriv til med titlen “CC Craftmenship” og vær med!
Ved tilmelding skal du skrive:
- Hvilket kostume du deltager med
- En kort tekst om dit cosplay, som vil blive læst op på scenen.
- Navn og telefon-nummer
- Dit cosplay skal være hjemmelavet.
Mindre elementer må godt være købt, og har du fået hjælp af en anden skal de krediteres. Når du kommer ind til dommerne, er det vigtigt du gennemgår dit kostume for dommerne og fortæller hvad du har lavet, købt og fået hjælp til. - Tilmeldingen er first come, first serve – der er max 20 deltagere
- Er du under 15, skal du have en skriftlig og underskrevet tilladelse fra dine forældre.
- Regler for evt. våben og props findes her
Hvis du har nogle spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte Cecilie på , og ellers glæder vi os til at se dig/jer til Copenhagen Comics 2023!

Cosplay Craftsmanship competition 2023
On Saturday 27 May, Copenhagen Comics will host our very own craftsmanship competition, where you have the opportunity to showcase your beautiful work.
The judges will have the opportunity to judge your costumes before the show, and then choose our three winners. After all participants have been up on stage, the judges will award prizes and trophies to the winners.
The competition will be judged by our two very talented cosplay judges Surine Cosplay and Kitty Mortensen
Here’s what you need to do:
Sign up before 5 May – registration closes after 20 participants.
Write to with the title “CC Craftsmanship” and join in!
When registering, please write:
Which costume you are participating with
A short text about your cosplay, which will be read out on stage.
Name and phone number
Rules for the registration:
Your cosplay must be homemade.
Smaller elements may be bought, and if you have had help from someone else, they must be credited. When you come in to the judges, it is important that you go through your costume for the judges and tell them what you have made, bought and got help with.
Registration is first come, first serve - there is a maximum of 20 participants
If you are under 15, you must have a written and signed authorisation from your parents.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Cecilie at , and otherwise we look forward to seeing you at Copenhagen Comics 2023!