Cyberpunk- Dream Light City Part 1 – John’s Story

En kort novelle men med en rig dystopisk historie for voksne (16+)
Messepris: 150,- kr

Kategori: Bøger

  1. They call it Dream Light City. They call it a free city where everyone can be everything. But it’s a broken dream. Controlled by the few. Only the rich benefit from the endless stream of broken dreams. No one is safe. No one will ever be safe. Corruption is our only reality here. I know. Because I’m a part of the upper game and I know the consequences if I don’t comply to my role.

Dream Light City is a dystopian cyberpunk story written by Jens Richard in his unique Power Break style. It’s a literary style that cuts to the chase, leaving no room for filler or fluff. The Power Break style embraces your imagination and leaves everything between the lines. For you to discover.

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