Bunneh The Darkborn Rabbit

Epic Fantasy (12+). En unik fortælling om den udvalgte som enten vil rede eller ødelægge verden
Messepris: 200,- kr

Kategori: Tegneserier

  • Bunneh is a Rabbit fighting against her evil nature to become the chosen one. She must try to keep her inner balance between good and evil in a world constantly on the edge of a new doom. Only a few know about her, and they all fear her to be too dangerous for this world. But there is hope; the old former priest, Mister Hank, believes in her, though he may not be the right mentor. Bunneh must seek balance and alliances and convince the world and herself that she isn’t the threat, but the hope. It is an original written story in a dark fantasy world with lots of action and great humor.
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