1. Name and affiliation
- 1.1 The name of the association is Copenhagen Comics.
- 1.2 The association’s registered office is the Municipality of Copenhagen.
2. Purpose and objectives
- 2.1 The purpose of the association is to organize comic book festivals and comic book-related cultural events.
The association wants to promote the comic book environment in Denmark and spread awareness of the comic book medium in general, among other things by using pop culture elements.
This is done in the following ways:
- 2.2. The association carries out a number of activities under its own auspices. These activities may include organizing and managing comic book festivals, publishing newsletters, magazines, running a website, etc.
The comic book festival is for everyone. There is a special focus on a well-functioning children and youth area.
3. Membership
- 3.1 The association accepts as a member anyone who has paid a membership fee to the association and who can support the association’s purpose.
- 3.2 Enrollment can be done by contacting the board of directors. Membership must be renewed once a year.
- 3.3 The board of directors may exclude a member who acts in violation of the association’s articles of association or otherwise acts to the detriment of the association and who has not complied with a demand for compliance issued by the board of directors with appropriate notice. The excluded member can demand that the exclusion be reviewed at the next general meeting, where the excluded member has the right to speak but not to vote.
4. Annual General Meeting
- 4.1 The General Assembly is the supreme authority of the Association.
- 4.2 The Board of Directors shall convene the general meeting with at least 14 days’ notice. The summons must be in writing and in person. Notice of meeting is announced on the association’s website and by sending an email to the association’s members. Post notices in selected stores and other partners (written and electronic). Proposals to be considered at the general meeting must be received by the board no later than 8 days before the general meeting.
- 4.3 The general meeting is held every year in October at the latest.
- 4.4 All members who have paid their membership fee have the right to speak. Members have voting rights, if they are at least 15 years old.
- 4.5 Agenda for the general meeting:
- Election of chairman
- Election of a rapporteur
- Approval of the agenda
- Annual report for approval
- Presentation of audited accounts for approval
- Presentation of budget for approval
- Determination of membership fees
- Suggestions received
- Election of the board of directors and at least one deputy
- Election of auditor and at least one deputy auditor
- Optional
- 4.6 The voting members have one vote each. Votes can be cast by proxy, which must be sent or handed to a board member. Voting shall be by show of hands unless a member requests a written vote. Decisions are made by ordinary majority vote, however, decisions on amendments to the Articles of Association can only be adopted by a 2/3 majority.
- 4.7. Amendments to the Articles of Association shall enter into force with effect from the general meeting at which the amendment appears on the agenda.
Paragraph 9. An extraordinary general meeting is held when a board member or at least 1/3 of the association’s members submit a written request to the chairman. In such cases, the general meeting shall be held no later than four weeks after the request has come to the attention of the chairman.
Paragraph 10. The notice period for an extraordinary general meeting is 2 weeks.
5. the association’s board of directors
- 5.1 The daily management of the association is carried out by the board of directors, which is elected by the general meeting.
- 5.2 The Board of Directors consists of a minimum of 5 members and a maximum of 9 members. There can be up to 3 alternates.
- 5.3 The association’s board of directors is up for election every year.
- 5.4 The Board of Directors constitutes itself with a chairman, vice-chairman and treasurer and determines its own rules of procedure. No later than 14 days after new elections to the board, a statutory meeting is held where the board elects a chairman, vice-chairman and treasurer from among its members. The chairman, vice-chairman and treasurer must be of legal age.
- 5.5 The Board of Directors shall determine its own rules of procedure and constitution. It can set up subcommittees and working groups to carry out defined tasks.
- 5.6 The chairman – and in his absence the vice-chairman – convenes and chairs the meetings of the Board of Directors. The meeting shall be convened in writing, stating the agenda, when the chairman deems it necessary or when at least three members of the board of directors submit a request to the chairman. In such cases, the meeting shall be held no later than 2 weeks after the request has been brought to the attention of the chairman.
- 5.7 The Board of Directors shall keep minutes of its proceedings.
6. subscription rights
- 6.1 The association is represented by the chairman and treasurer.
- 6.2 The Board of Directors may authorize the chairman and treasurer to use Dankort and online banking for the association’s bank account separately.
- 6.3 However, the signature of the entire Board of Directors is required for the purchase, pledging or sale of real estate.
- 6.4 For amounts under DKK 1,000, the treasurer alone can sign.
7. contingent
- 7.1 The annual membership fees are approved by the general meeting.
- 8. Changes to the Articles of Association
- 8.1 Amendments to the Articles of Association require a majority of 2/3 of the members present at the general meeting.
9. extraordinary general meeting
- 9.1 The meeting shall be convened if a majority of the Board of Directors so requests or if at least 1/3 of the members of legal age so request. The board of directors must convene with an agenda in writing and in person with at least two weeks’ notice and no later than four weeks after the request has been made.
10. Accounting and finances
- 10.1 The financial year follows the calendar year.
- 10.2 The audited accounts with the coming year’s budget must be available in writing to the members no later than 14 days before the annual general meeting.
- 10.3 Auditing takes place once a year after the end of the financial year. Unannounced cash audits can take place whenever the auditor requests it.
- 10.4 The Association is only liable for its obligations with the assets belonging to the Association at any given time. There is no personal liability for the members of the association or the board of directors.
- 10.5 The association’s budget must be prepared so that the expected equity at the end of the financial year corresponds to at least 50% of the association’s equity in the last financial year up to an amount of DKK 200,000.
11. Dissolution
- 11.1 Dissolution of the association requires a majority of 2/3 of the members present at the general meeting or extraordinary general meeting. The dissolution must then be approved at a subsequent extraordinary general meeting.
- 11.2 Upon dissolution of the association, the association’s funds must be transferred to non-profit purposes within the association’s purpose.
12. rights etc.
- 12.1. The work of the association is mainly based on voluntary, unpaid labor. Trivial tasks or tasks that require special equipment or specialist knowledge and are difficult to find volunteers for can be handled by paid resources.
- 12.2. No volunteer or employee may claim any kind of rights or personal benefits from the work produced under the auspices of the association, be it property rights, copyrights of any kind, or whatever else may be mentioned, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
13. safeguarding
- 13.1. The association must ensure that the items it handles and stores on behalf of its business partners are stored and handled securely, and that the necessary measures are taken to protect the items against fire, theft and vandalism.
Adopted at the founding general meeting February 1, 2004, updated at general meetings December 2, 2007, November 23, 2008, May 13, 2014 and 06. May 2023