Hannele Richert from Kutikuti visits Copenhagen Comics 2024

Hannele Richert is a Finnish contemporary comics artist and translator, as well as an active member of the comics collective Kutikuti.

Hannele Richert is a Finnish contemporary comic book artist and translator. She has published two graphic novels, a collection of short comics and several experimental zines. Her work has been presented in anthologies and exhibitions in Finland and internationally: most recently at the Fumetto comics festival in Lucerne, Switzerland in 2023.

Richert works with scratchboard, ink and risographic digital duplications combined with animation and installations. The stories combine a sense of alienation and a Lynchian eeriness with absurd humor and great camaraderie.
Hannele Richert is an active member of the comics collective Kutikuti and visits Denmark’s largest comics festival. Join Richert and many more exciting guests at Copenhagen Comics 2024 on 18. & May 19 in Øksnehallen.

About Kutikuti:

KUTIKUTI is a non-profit contemporary comics association and artist collective formed in Finland in 2005. The core of Kutikuti consists of around 60 members who create, teach and publish comics. Kutikuti has over a hundred supporting members around the world and has quickly become one of the most recognized stars of the Finnish comics scene abroad.

KUTI is a quarterly four-color magazine of contemporary comics edited by Kutikuti. The magazine is also open for submissions and publishes a couple of open call issues per year.

In spring 2024, Kutikuti has published the first part of an anthology series: Tihku.

Designed by Benjamin Bergman, co-edited by Tommi Musturi, Hannele Richert and Heikki Rönkkö, Tihku is a collaborative work by twelve artists:

Terhi Adler is a multidisciplinary graphic designer, illustrator and comic book artist interested in storytelling, mysticism and humanism.

Terhi Ekebom is a Helsinki-based illustrator and comic book artist who also creates murals and public art.

Esko Heikkilä is a comic book artist from Oulu, Finland, who works with self-published and illustration-inspired visual art.

Jyrki Heikkinen is a comic book artist and poet.

Ivanda Jansone is a visual storyteller who deals with parallel realities in her work.

Joonas Järvi is a Helsinki-based visual artist and cartoonist who explores the potential of space and landscape as a narrative tool.

Tiina Lehikoinen is a multi-artist who thrives in the borderlands between genres. In addition to comics, she has published poetry, short prose and an essayistic novel. Her work has been exhibited in Finland and abroad.

Hanneriina Moisseinen is an award-winning comic book artist with a background in visual arts, whose works revolve around the recent past, forgetting and remembering.

Lauri Mäkimurto is a comic book artist and visual artist. His art is characterized by autobiography, humor and an expressive touch.

Jyrki Nissinen is a visual and comic artist, as well as a musician. His comics are characterized by rough, black-and-white lines and plots that straddle the borderline of reality…

Kati Rapia is a multidisciplinary visual artist. One of her favorites is creating visual stories through screen printing.

Katja Ronkanen is a graphic designer and storyteller whose visually playful comics are characterized by vulnerability and introspective wonder at the world.

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