The children and youth area is growing

We look forward to welcoming you to an even bigger space in 2024.

In our children and youth area, we have workshops for children and young people between the ages of 3 and 18. Here we host drawing workshops where you can learn about character design, storytelling and tricks of the trade from the professional illustrators who visit our area. We also have drawing competitions with great prizes.

We have a reading lounge and a drawing area where you can sit down and draw. There are also drawing competitions in different categories and divided into age groups. And there are great prizes up for grabs. We have an area with creative activities and creative workshops where you can make superhero bead boards and superhero keychains. We also have a treasure hunt where you go around the Axe Hall and find gods from Valhalla. Here you can also win a prize.

This year there is also a children and youth stage with readings, storytelling, monster hunts, drawing competitions and more.

Join our workshops and stage program

Join our many exciting drawing workshops in the workshop area:

  • Møgmis workshop with Sophie Souid and Thomas Hjorthaab
  • Troll life workshop with Peter Madsen
  • Monster design with Tatiana Goldberg
  • Character design with Jam Aden
  • Drawing workshop with Palle Schmidt
  • Inspiration for your own work with Nor Sisden
  • Drawing workshop with Dagmar Grau Møller (Graphic Storytelling student)
  • Create a story with your child with Mikkel and Otto Øhlenschlæger and Stefanie Sloth Hansen

Once you’ve purchased your ticket, it’s free to attend our workshops. You don’t need to reserve a seat, just show up, preferably well in advance. Find all workshops here

On stage you can experience:
Improvised storytelling with Merlin P. Mann and Palle Schmidt, DM in Drawing, Monster Hunter Adventure, The story of Denmark’s youngest author, and Donald Duck’s 90th birthday. A panel on Drawing and creativity. How do you get more drawing and creativity into your everyday life and what communities and skills can it provide? Here you can meet Jannik Broz, who is behind DM in Drawing and Nor Sisden from the Academy Schools,

Comics promote reading enjoyment

Sitting down with a comic book every day can make a huge difference to the reading enjoyment of children and young people. Where it can seem overwhelming to get through an entire book full of text, comics can provide an important sense of success in reading.

In a comic book, you also get great help and context through facial expressions, sound words and colors. Some children may be convinced that reading is not for them – until a comic book shows them otherwise.

We want to support the joy of drawing and reading among children and young people
That’s why we’ve created a festival area where they can meet professional artists and writers and be inspired to incorporate both drawing and reading comics into their everyday lives. There’s something for both those who are new to drawing and those who have a little cartoonist in them.

Become a child and youth host

This one goes out to all superheroes and heroines who want to volunteer in the field of children and young people.

We dream of having YOU as a child and youth host.
You give four hours of your festival to us – we’ll reward you with a free ticket for the whole weekend, a friend ticket, food & drink and the happiest kids.

The only prerequisite is that you want to volunteer with children.
We need help at our drawing tables, workshops with professional artists and not least at our new children and youth stage.

We very much hope to hear from you

Thank you for reading!

See you in Øksnehallen

Photos by Carsten Olsen